Monday, July 30, 2007

Image Training: Return To The Womb

Image training is to train your child's image visualization function and the brain's ability to capture or hold an image in their mind.

Children with a developed mind that can image well, they tend to have very good memory.

There are a few activities you can do to improve this but today, we are only going to talk about

Return to Womb Image Training (less than 3 years old)
Before carrying out the return to the womb image training, please practice relaxation and deep breathing exercise together with your child.

You may hug him/her and image this in your mind. (Imageing that your child is going back to your womb). when your child is 3 years and above of age, he/she can do this on their own while you say out the steps.

  1. Lie down on the floor and close your eyes
  2. Exhale slowly and flatten your tummy
  3. Ok, inhale an swell out your tummy and make your tummy like a big balloon
  4. repeat this breathing three times
  5. ok, now you can come back to normal breathing
  6. now let us image that your body is going to get smaller and smaller
  7. now you are a xx year old , you are going to get much smaller, now you are a one year old baby. you are going to be even smaller, now you are in mummy's tummy.
  8. Let;s take a look around in your other;s tummy. What does it feel like? What do you feel? Tell me what you are seeing and feeling
  9. You are in mummy's tummy and mummy and daddy are looking forward to seeing you grow everyday ad being born very healthy, Your mummy and daddy are very happy that you are going to be born. Everyone in our family loves you and is looking forward to you being born.
  10. Now, let's be born again from mummy's tummy
  11. Now you are born a healthy baby. Remember when you were born? Tell me how it was
  12. (Bring them to their own age)
  13. Ok, now you are coming back to where you are now, I will count 3, 2, 1 and you will be back home as a xx year old child
  14. 3,2,1, here you are back now!
If your child has any bad habits, you can undo them by giving them a positive commmand when they are in your womb and after they are reborn, reaffirm this positive command.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Shichida Sem 2: Lesson 4 (2y/o)

Start all lessons by hugging your child and singing the good afternoon song.

After that, start gathering the energy ball and throw it high into the air and splash on their heads and then brush away the bad things and gather another energy ball, compress it and eat it.

Breathing training:

  1. Give your child a picture of a seal. At the top of the noise, use a BIG stray and paste at the back of the seal. Then glue some string on the seal.. glue the other end to a coloured cotton ball and use it to act as ball for the seal.
  2. Balance the ball on the straw and ask your child to blow the ball away.
  3. Repeat.

Sight Training
  1. Draw a star and say it is a wishing star. Paste something that tinkles behind the star.
  2. Shake the star and move it and ask Baby's sight to follow the star.
  3. When baby is done following, get him to catch the star or do a high five with it.
Taking Pictures At The Zoo
  1. Show your child some flashcards and tell them that we are going to the zoo today. At the zoo, we will be seeing some animals like Monkey, Rabbit, Lion, etc
  2. Paste pictures of the animals all over the classroom
  3. Give your child a cardboard camera and ask him or her to take pictures of the animals.
  4. Give them small pictures of the animals and tell them that their pictures are developed. Look through the pics with them and get them to name the animals again.
4 Seasons
  1. Show your child flashcards of the four seasons and describe what the four seasons are and what happens when it is that season. Eg, for spring, it is the time where the flowers are blooming.. etc etc.. Do that in a few short sentences.
  2. Now give your child four pictures of the 4 seasons and describe each activity they have to do for that season.
    (Eg, spring is where flowers grow so paste the flowers on,
    summer is where the sun is hot so give them an empty bottle to put on sun block,
    Autum is where the leaves drop so ask them to place fallen leaves all over,
    Winder is where they get cotton balls and play with these 'snow balls'

Right brain: What colour is the zebra?
  1. Show your child a picture of a zebra and guess what colour the strips will be when the black card is removed.
Right brain: Where is the umbrella?
  1. Show your child three pockets with the curve of the walking stick/umbrella sticking out.
  2. Put in the three cards of walking stick, walking stick, umbrella in different pockets respectively and ask your child to guess which is the umbrella.
  3. Repeat a few times.

Language Training:
  1. Let him hear a story being told in the past in another language.

Language Training- The Animals:
  1. Show pictures of animals and name them in Chinese.
  2. Now show the same animals and name them in French.

Sing a song/Tell a story:
  1. Sing at normal speed
  2. Sing at half the speed (to help them remember)

Flash Cards:
  1. Prepare a series of flashcards with a theme. Eg, vehicles, fruits, foods, numbers, alphabets, how to prepare certain foods, comparisons, money, numbers.
  2. You may include flashcards of pictures with their word representatives after the picture. It is important to expose your child to an image first because it helps them remember faster.
  3. Flash them quickly at your child. Show each picture only for two seconds and read out what it is as you flash it. You do not have to worry about getting tongue tied.
  4. Repeat and flash the pictures and read out again.

NOTE: You can do so also for different airlines, different expressions, diff body parts, adjectives, over, under, prepositions, dictionary words, different parts of the head, etc.. etc

Button on the wheels
  1. Give your child a felt cloth bus with the 4 wheels buttoned on.
  2. Ask your child to unbutton the wheels off the bus.. then ask them to button them on again so that the bus can move ;)

Memory- Where do the numbers go?
  1. Show your child a picture of three bears with three different coloured hats and numbers 1,2,3 written respectively.
  2. Now give your child the pictures of the three bears that are each wearing a different coloured hat and give your child the numbers, 1, 2 and 3 and ask them to place the numbers on the right bear with the right coloured hat.
Memory- Where is the ball?
  1. Show a picture of three balls in diff positions.
  2. Now give them a picture with three boxes and ask your child to put the balls in the right box.
Flash Memory
  1. Show a 4 flashcards and name the items on the cards.
  2. Now give them 5 cards and ask them to pick the odd on out. Which is the card that was not included in the flash memory just now?
Intuition- Find the taxi:
  1. Use two cards of the same size. One is has a picture of a bus and the other one is empty.
  2. Tell your child to use their hand to touch and feel the difference..
  3. Turn the cards over and ask your child to feel it and the bus
  4. Repeat 2-3 times
Numbered Dots
  1. Show your child apple dots
  2. And then test them by showing them two cards and asking for a particular number.
  3. Ask them to point to the right answer
  4. You can do this after you finish the 65 days dots programme 3,4 times to test them.
Draw The Seeds On The Watermelon
  1. Show your child pictures of a few water melons.
  2. On each water melon, there is a number.
  3. Give your child a whiteboard marker and ask them to draw the right number of seeds inside the water melon according to the numbers they see.
Numbers Game
  1. Show your child pictures of different numbers and give them cards with the numbers.
  2. Get them to match the cards with the correct and respective numbers.
Linking memory game
  1. The purpose of this game is to help your child improve their memory by linking things up. You can tell a story and link the things up in order. It does not have to be a logical story.
  2. Repeat this story and ask your child to place the pictures in this order.
  3. Now turn the cards around so that the back (which is blank) is facing you and ask your child to pick out the hotel or the crab and see if they can remember where it should be.

  1. Prepare a practice sheet for your child.
  2. Laminate the practice sheet
  3. Give your child a whiteboard marker (non toxic) and hold their hands to help them write out the numbers on the practice sheet.
  4. Eg, just practice to write the letters E,F. They can write other stuff on it when they are done.
  5. Draw a star after they are done.
  6. Wipe clean and reuse it again.
Shichida Musical Theatre
Sing the song about mixing colours and then when you go home, you can mix the colours and show your child how you can get different colours.

Finger Play
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

Duck Song
Sing a song about a duck and get your child to quack along when the duck starts quacking

Stacking Trapeziums
  1. Give your child trapeziums of differing colours and size.
  2. Ask your child to stack the trapeziums from biggest to smallest and you get a huge tower!
  3. Now ask them to dismantle it by asking for the colours.

Coloured Giraffes
  1. Draw a Giraffe on a long winded tube and then divide it into 4 segments.
  2. Make 4 sets of this in 4 different background colours.
  3. Put all the heads together and let your child choose a colour.
  4. Put the rest of the body and legs together and get your child to only choose the colour of the heads.
  5. Fix them together to make a giraffe.

Artwork Homework: Cut and paste
Cut out the large triangles and design an artwork that you like.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Shichida Sem 2: Lesson 3 (2y/o)

PS: Lesson 2 was attended by Daddy as I was attending a seminar that day.

Start all lessons by hugging your child and singing the good afternoon song.

After that, start gathering the energy ball and throw it high into the air and splash on their heads and then brush away the bad things and gather another energy ball, compress it and eat it.

Breathing training:

  1. Find a picture of sail boat and make it such tat the sail can be flipped when blown on.
  2. Ask your child to blow on the sail.
Sight Training
  1. Use a bottle, put in beans and then dress it up like a bird.
  2. Shake it and move the bottle left, right, up, down horizontally or vertically. You can also move around in a zig zag manner just to let his eyes move around. This will work his eye muscles.
  3. When baby is done following, get him to catch the bird or do a high five with it.
Exploring Under The Sea
  1. Paste pictures of all the sea animals all over the room.
  2. Make a goggle with a blue transparency over the eye area and ask your child to explore under the sea.
  3. Point out the various sea creatures to them as they explore.
Right brain: Who is swimming underneath the water?
  1. Show your child a picture of a sea with a head bobbing up.
  2. Hide and animal inside and ask your child to guess whether the octopus or the shark is the one hiding underneath the water

Language Training:
  1. Let him hear a story being told in the past in another language.

Language Training- The Animals:
  1. Show pictures of animals and name them in Chinese.
  2. Now show the same animals and name them in French.

Sing a song/Tell a story:
  1. Sing at normal speed
  2. Sing at half the speed (to help them remember)

Flash Cards:
  1. Prepare a series of flashcards with a theme. Eg, vehicles, fruits, foods, numbers, alphabets, how to prepare certain foods, comparisons, money, numbers.
  2. You may include flashcards of pictures with their word representatives after the picture. It is important to expose your child to an image first because it helps them remember faster.
  3. Flash them quickly at your child. Show each picture only for two seconds and read out what it is as you flash it. You do not have to worry about getting tongue tied.
  4. Repeat and flash the pictures and read out again.

NOTE: You can do so also for different airlines, different expressions, diff body parts, adjectives, over, under, prepositions, dictionary words, etc.. etc

  1. Give your child a picture and punch 5 holes inside.
  2. Then give them a thread with a knot at the back and ask them to thread in and out of the hole so as to create a pentagon
Button on the flowers
  1. Give your child a felt cloth picture full of flowers.
  2. The petals can all be removed by unbuttoning them out.
  3. Ask your child to unbutton them and button them back as they count the flowers

Memory- Which picture did we see?
  1. Show a picture for 30 seconds.
  2. Show the child two similar pictures and ask them to pick, which picture did we see.
Memory- which fish?
  1. Show a picture of a fish with three different colours on its body.
  2. Now give them three similar fishes in three different colours (but in different order) to see if they remember which was the fish that they had seen.
Memory- Where is the ball?
  1. Show a picture of three balls in diff positions.
  2. Now give them a picture with three boxes and ask your child to put the balls in the right box.
Memory- What did he catch?
  1. Show a picture of a man fishing and the sea creatures that he caught on his line.
  2. Now give them a picture of the man with his fishing line and all the different sea creatures and ask your child to place the sea creatures in the right order on the line
Intuition- Find the bus :
  1. Use two cards of the same size. One is has a picture of a bus and the other one is empty.
  2. Tell your child to use their hand to touch and feel the difference..
  3. Turn the cards over and ask your child to feel it and the bus
  4. Repeat 2-3 times
Big, Medium, Small
  1. Show your child three sizes of cats, aeroplanes and ducks.
  2. Tell them which is big, medium or small.
  3. Give them a template with the shapes of the things in various sizes highlighted and ask your child to put the items in the outlined shape accordingly to the size.
Count the sweets
  1. Show your child a picture with a number on it.
  2. Whatever the number, ask your child to count the sweets and put them into the cup

Linking memory game
  1. The purpose of this game is to help your child improve their memory by linking things up. You can tell a story and link the things up in order. It does not have to be a logical story.
  2. Repeat this story and ask your child to place the pictures in this order.
  3. Now turn the cards around so that the back (which is blank) is facing you and ask your child to pick out the hotel or the crab and see if they can remember where it should be.

  1. Give your child three pictures of dogs and have folds at their mouths.
  2. Put a strawberry into one of the dog's mouth and ask your child to concentrate as you swirl the dogs around slowly.
  3. Now ask them to guess which is the one with the strawberry.

  1. Prepare a practice sheet for your child.
  2. Laminate the practice sheet
  3. Give your child a whiteboard marker (non toxic) and hold their hands to help them write out the numbers on the practice sheet.
  4. Eg, just practice to write the letters A, B, C, D. They can write other stuff on it when they are done.
  5. Draw a star after they are done.
  6. Wipe clean and reuse it again.
Know Your ABC
  1. Put up areas in the room and label them. Eg, the area for letter A is defined by the shape of a large apple, B by a large butterfly, C by a large cloud and D by a large door.
  2. Give your child some small cards with words and pictures on them.
  3. Get them to see what those items are and whether they start with which particular letter.
  4. Get them to paste the right cards in the right areas. Eg, Axe, arm, etc are in the A sector.
Finger Play
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

Hopping Kangaroo
Sing the song of the hopping kangaroo and get your child to hop around on the floor.

Artwork Homework: Cut and paste
Cut out triangles and design an artwork that you like.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Shichida Sem 2: Lesson 1 (2y/o)

Start all lessons by hugging your child and singing the good afternoon song.

After that, start gathering the energy ball and throw it high into the air and splash on their heads and then brush away the bad things and gather another energy ball, compress it and eat it.

Breathing training:

  1. Find a picture of an aeroplane and attach a string to it.
  2. Ask your child to hold the string and blow so that the aeroplane can fly.
Sight Training
  1. Make a mobile of a dragonfly with a bell attached to it.
  2. Move the mobile left, right, up, down horizontally or vertically. You can also move around in a zig zag manner just to let his eyes move around. This will work his eye muscles.
  3. When baby is done following, get him to catch the dragonfly or do a high five with it.
Desert Animals
  1. Show your child a picture of some desert animals and their names.
  2. Take the animals out as you name them.
  3. Ask your child to put the animals back next to the proper names of the animals.
Right brain: Who Is Going To Jail
  1. Show your child a picture of a judge and three criminals, Businessman, Chef and Bus Driver.
  2. Ask them who is going to jail.
  3. Take out the 'jail' and show them the character hiding inside.
Language Training:
  1. Let him hear a story being told in the past in another language.

Language Training- The Animals:
  1. Show pictures of animals and name them in Chinese.
  2. Now show the same animals and name them in French.

Sing a song/Tell a story:
  1. Sing at normal speed
  2. Sing at half the speed (to help them remember)

Flash Cards:
  1. Prepare a series of flashcards with a theme. Eg, vehicles, fruits, foods, numbers, alphabets, how to prepare certain foods, comparisons, money, numbers.
  2. You may include flashcards of pictures with their word representatives after the picture. It is important to expose your child to an image first because it helps them remember faster.
  3. Flash them quickly at your child. Show each picture only for two seconds and read out what it is as you flash it. You do not have to worry about getting tongue tied.
  4. Repeat and flash the pictures and read out again.

NOTE: You can do so also for different airlines, different expressions, diff body parts, adjectives, over, under, prepositions, dictionary words, etc.. etc

Shichida Musical Theatre: Learn The Colours
  1. Sing a song and help your children learn about colours.
Clip The Grapevines?
  1. Draw pictures of grapes and leaves and clip the grapes on a clothes peg and a vine on a clothes peg.
  2. Give your child a picture with two strings and ask them to clip the grapes and the leaves in alternate fashion to work out a pattern. This is to test their IQ and also their motor skills.

Memory- Which picture did we see?
  1. Show a picture for 30 seconds.
  2. Show the child two similar pictures and ask them to pick, which picture did we see.
Memory- Where is the character?
  1. Show a picture of 5 fingers with three puppet characters placed on 3 different fingers.
  2. Now give them a picture of the fingers and the three characters and ask them to place them on the right fingers.
Memory- Where is the ball?
  1. Show a picture of three balls in diff positions.
  2. Now give them a picture with three boxes and ask your child to put the balls in the right box.
Intuition- Find the bicycle :
  1. Use two cards of the same size. One is has a picture of a bicycle and the other one is empty.
  2. Tell your child to use their hand to touch and feel the difference..
  3. Turn the cards over and ask your child to feel it and the bicycle
  4. Repeat 2-3 times

Match the Heads
  1. Show your child a picture of 5 different cats with different size starting from big to small all in a row.
  2. Show only their bodies and ask your child to attach the right sized head to the right sized cat. When they are done, ask them to feed the right sized fish.
Count the flowers
  1. Show your child a picture of a lady with a huge hat with numbers on it.
  2. Ask your child to count the flowers and place them on the hat one by one.

Linking memory game
  1. The purpose of this game is to help your child improve their memory by linking things up. You can tell a story and link the things up in order. It does not have to be a logical story.
  2. Repeat this story and ask your child to place the pictures in this order.
  3. Now turn the cards around so that the back (which is blank) is facing you and ask your child to pick out the hotel or the crab and see if they can remember where it should be.
Things in the garden
  1. Show a picture of a garden and the names of some of the things listed there.
  2. Take out the words as you name them and ask your child to put the words back next to the item.

Put in the flowers
  1. Draw a picture of a garden on a styrofoam cup. Draw some flower stems and pook a hole at the top of the stems.
  2. Next, use the furry wired decorations and roll up one end to act as flowers. Ask your child to put the flowers into the holes.
  3. Then get them to take out the flowers and count them. or say the colours.

  1. Prepare a practice sheet for your child.
  2. Laminate the practice sheet
  3. Give your child a whiteboard marker (non toxic) and hold their hands to help them write out the numbers on the practice sheet.
  4. One number at a time please. Eg, just practice to write the letters G and H. They can write other stuff on it when they are done.
  5. Draw a star after they are done.
  6. Wipe clean and reuse it again.

Artwork Homework: Cut and paste
Cut out strips of paper and design an artwork that you like.